Reading Workshop guide fifth graders toward intellectual independence. In Unit 1 students practice close reading, noting how authors develop themes in fictional works. Unit 2 deals with higher-level nonfiction and emphasizes strong foundational skills, such as fluency and word solving. The third unit has kids read complex nonfiction under the umbrella of argument and advocacy. In the final unit students explore fantasy bookclubs.
UNIT 1 – Analyzing Themes
UNIT 2 – Complexity of Nonfiction
UNIT 3 – Argument & Advocacy
UNIT 4 – Fantasy
Writing Workshop fifth graders are on the verge of writing more academic texts. Writers write to put meaning on the page. They begin the year writing narratives and realistic fiction and learn to develop rich characters and stories. The units then bring students step-by-step toward increasing proficiency with thesis-driven persuasive essays, research reports, and writing about fiction in literary essays. Students deserve to write for real, to write the kinds of texts that they see in the real world.
UNIT 1 – Narrative Craft
UNIT 2 – Lens of History
UNIT 3 – Shaping Texts
UNIT 4 – Argument Essay
Fifth Grade Everyday Mathematics is a problem-solving approach based on everyday situations where we use frequent practice of skills and revisit concepts regularly to explore mathematical content beyond basic arithmetic.
UNIT 1 – Area & Volume
UNIT 2 – Place Value & Operations
UNIT 3 – Fraction Concepts
UNIT 4 – Decimal Concepts
UNIT 5 – Operations & Fractions
UNIT 6 – Measurement
UNIT 7 – Mixed Multiplication
UNIT 8 – Geometry & Graphing
World Wisdom
Water of the World
is an in-depth look into the water that surrounds us in all forms. Fifth grade looks at "What is water?", "What percentage of surface water is salt water, frozen water, and fresh water. How do aquifers, rivers, and glaciers help mold the world and its citizens?
Social Studies
World Wisdom
Mapping the World by Heart
teaches students to draw – entirely from memory – detailed world maps including the names, borders, mountain ranges, rivers, and major cities of more than 190 countries. It gets students excited about geography and encourages them to think globally.
Social Emotional Learning focused on understanding our brain.
Global Project
Driving Question:
How do we use, support, and celebrate voices to make meaning of our world?
Students will investigate their place and impact in the world. Through the lens of Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and Math
Link to Seesaw student journal where students show their mastery to 5th grade outcomes